MSNVA’s First Annual B2C Digital Health Expo
October 17, 2016
We’re pleased to invite you to the Medical Society of Northern Virginia’s First Annual Digital Health Expo at Tysons Corner Center on The Plaza on Sunday, October 23rd from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm. This digital health expo will focus on technology that is enabling patients/consumers to receive quality medical care on demand.
Come visit us at our booth.
Tyson’s Corner Mall
1961 Chain Bridge Rd
Tysons, VA 22102
11AM: Welcome Note and Exhibit Opening, Nancy Tanchel, MD, President MSNVA
12PM: Getting The Best Care For Your Elderly Loved Ones, Stephanie I. Thomopoulos, BCD, CMC, LCSW, Aging Life Care Expert, GeriatriCare® Management, Inc.
01PM: Parenting In The New Digital World, Adam Pletter, Psy.D, President, iParent101
02PM: Special Weight Loss Management Program, Soheila Rostami, MD, President, Sanctuary Cosmetic Center
03PM: Cyberbullying, Stress, Depression and Youth Health, Alicia Clarke, MS ED, Prevention Specialist in the Office of Student Safety, Fairfax County Public Schools
04PM: Breast Health and Emerging Technologies, Anjali Malik, MD, Washington Radiology Associates
05PM: Wrap Up
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Categories: Information